One of the biggest challenges is managing the outflow. While most plants use water to cool their facilities, which is then let off as steam, others have process wastewater that requires treatment. Whether you stay in compliance is all in how the mercury is mitigated.

If it’s not in the air, then there must be something in the water. At least, we hope there isn’t! We know plant managers have a lot to think about when it comes to keeping their facilities functional and profitable. The energy you produce comes from combustibles, which results in air emissions. But are you thinking about the water systems at work? Between the cooling systems and the process wastewater, the liquid has to go anywhere but nearby lakes and rivers. 

To little surprise, there are usually a web of federal, state, and local agencies maintaining regulations to protect the environment and the health of the communities near your plant. Staying within these regulations can be a challenge. But the team at Motus Group sees every challenge as a chance to make systems more effective and efficient. 

On the top level, plant managers need to:

Seems simple, right? But we have seen all sorts of things happen to plants who fail inspections – fines, bad press, shutdowns, and loss of revenue, just to name a few things. 

We get it, compliance can be tough. Especially when you consider how variable your influent wastewater quality may be on any given day, or if your treatment capacity is maxed out, or if you just forget to back up the laptop that does all of your reporting.

When it comes to process wastewater, many plants will leverage water scrubbing systems to pull toxins and heavy metals from flue gas streams. Sometimes, though, mercury is released in the process – rendering the outgoing water out of compliance. 

It happens. We can help. 

For process wastewater, the common practice is to inject PAC slurry to recapture mercury and get your plant back into alignment. Motus has a handful of systems on hand and can be onsite soon to implement a system that gets your plant working again.

Inflow, outflow, emissions – we are in the business of keeping you operational. Our team stays up to date on the changes in laws and regulations and keeps our clients well-informed about how they can stay compliant. Motus Group has the equipment and the experience to retrofit existing systems, install new equipment, and handle whatever else needs to be repaired or replaced. 

Other ways Motus Group handles wastewater compliance:

You have a lot to manage, so let Motus Group help you manage this part of your business. From wastewater compliance, meeting emission standards, conveyance systems, and more, Motus Group are the pros you want on your side to keep your plant running efficiently, effectively and – most importantly – profitably. 

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