Aftermarket Services

Aftermarket Services

You know as well as anyone, implementing equipment and machinery is only the beginning. It is only when the heavy work begins that the issues decide to show up – that’s why Motus Group factors in Preventative Maintenance Programs to ensure your equipment can reliably get the job done.

Our team of experts provides an extensive line of service and parts to keep your industry moving smoothly. We can also assess your current system for efficiency opportunities, critical wear-and-tear points, and a total review of your system’s maintenance protocols. There’s no point in losing sleep! Motus Group has been keeping industries like yours on the move for years.

Sorbent Injection System Evaluation (SISE)
Motus Group can evaluate your system’s performance, asses critical component wear, and review system Preventative Maintenance (PM) plans to ensure the longevity of your system.

Got a Spare?

Equipment is designed to move, and moving parts eventually wear out and need replacement – are you waiting around for the new parts to show up? By keeping a selection of spare parts on hand, your system is back up and running in no time. Motus Group has been supplying new parts for existing systems so they can meet the real-world demands of your industry. 

Give us a call today to find out how we can optimize your system to run smoothly today while being ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

System Optimization
Field Service Support

How Can We Help?