When you aren’t up and running, you’re not making money. Motus Group completely understands the necessity of keeping your systems running, your crew working, and your plant profitable. While many plants have scheduled outages and downtime once or twice a year to handle routine maintenance, upgrades, and cleanups, we know that components can break down unexpectedly.
We think they call it “Murphy’s Law.” If something can go wrong, it eventually will.
We can all relate to the headache of shutting everything down or derating a plant because one part of your system goes offline. The truth is, those shutdowns have a ripple effect through the industry and your community – there is no telling what else grinds to a halt because a critical emissions control system decides to break down.
Motus Group stocks temporary industrial plant equipment available for rent. Everything in our inventory is cleaned, maintained, and ready to go at a moment’s notice. We also work with your crew to mobilize, set up, operate, and demobilize equipment, or any combination in between. We pride ourselves on providing equipment that helps plants stay online and within regulation.
We offer the following rental equipment for emissions compliance support during online activities:
- Bulk Bag Unloading Systems (BBUs) – Dry powder injection (PAC, TRONA, Hydrated Lime, SBC, etc.) for acid gas and Hg removal
- Chemical Injection Skids – Liquid drip systems (CaBr2, M-Prove, Magnesium Hydroxide, etc.) for flue gas constituent oxidation and slag reduction
- Chemical Mixing Skids – High-pressure spray injection systems with mixing capabilities – used for injection flue gas conditioning chemicals (better ESP performance) among other applications
- Bulk Truck Injection Systems – Dry powder injection (PAC, TRONA, Hydrated Lime, SBC, etc.) capable of higher feed rates and longer duration tests
If your emissions reduction systems are in working order, but you are looking to optimize performance or validate the efficacy of new sorbents or chemicals, our rental equipment is perfectly suited for those activities too!
Over the past several years, Motus Group has watched supply chain issues delay the delivery of essential parts and machinery to the plants we regularly work with. This has even kept new operations from getting off the ground in some cases. Recently, we’ve even been tasked with renting the equipment to plants so they can get their doors open and their people to work while they waited for their permanent equipment to show up. You need to be operational, and Motus Group keeps you moving.
No matter what you may need, you can rely on our rental equipment. You know it is good enough for your operation because we make sure it’s good enough for ours.
Maybe you needed rental equipment like yesterday. Maybe you want to keep our number on hand for the next time a conveyor or silo goes offline. Or maybe you want to get your plant moving while you wait for your permanent equipment to get delivered. Whatever the case, give Motus Group a call.